Monday, February 24, 2020

Strategic Management and Business Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Management and Business Policy - Essay Example A Pro-quest article states that people with education who want to become an entrepreneur, take the risk f owning or controlling a business because they use their knowledge to ensure promising business opportunities (Anonymous, 2005). It is well understood that people who have well-educated skills acquired from tertiary education, become entrepreneurs to turn their dream and vision into action. Knowledge gained by education consists f guidance, and not to tell you what to do in life. Most successors who take this into considerations have broader views and more information on how to succeed in life. Although what education from class may not be true, or mean anything towards their view, it is solely up to the person him/her self to use the techniques that they have learned through education. In 1913, Henry Ford, the founder f 'Ford Motors' used his educated knowledge for mass producing cars, which increased production greatly, as well as decreased the cost per car by two-thirds (Jones, et al, 2000). Henry Ford introduced the 'classical scientific theory' (established by Frederick W. Taylor) towards his manufacturing company. With the use f this theory in which he implemented, he experimented to discover the most efficient way that each worker performed in their one specialized task (Jones, et al, 2000). Although each process was very repetitive, production for cars grew, and costs were cut down which made Henry Ford a huge success person within the car production industry. With such an innovative idea which Henry Ford implemented, through the use f the 'classical scientific management theory', Henry Ford became one f the biggest entrepreneurs in the history f car manufacturing. Another great entrepreneur who used his educated skills greatly is Stewart L. Tubbs. Tubbs is the author f the book "Leadership: Communication, Innovation, and Change". Tim McGraw Quotes "He was the dean f the College f Business at Eastern Michigan University. He received his doctorate in communication and organizational behavior from the University f Kansas. His master's degree in communication and his bachelor's degree in science are from Bowling Green State University. He has completed postdoctoral work in management at Harvard Business School, the University f Michigan, and Michigan State University." (McGraw 2002) Although Tubbs is only an author for the McGraw publisher, is had many success stories f how he becomes the person he is currently. Tubbs has used his widely well-educated skills and been named outstanding teacher 3 times, as well as being an outstanding scholar twice. He has also consulted with over 500 companies have has achieved more than he ever could wish for (McGraw 2002). Along with educational purposes, they are able to extensively use educated skills gained by academic classes/buildings, in order to support their decisions in which they make to become their own entrepreneur. In Tubbs case, Tubbs took his knowledge to pursue his goals in life.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Paper on Aristotle and relationship at work Essay

Paper on Aristotle and relationship at work - Essay Example Mary, her friend for many years manages the marketing campaign at the company and frequently they have lunch together. They are all "friends", but in what capacity What does Aristotle have to do with Lori and her co-workers Although centuries have gone by, his theories on how we relate to one another, how we conduct ourselves and what motivates us have stood the test of time. Aristotle, born in 384 B.C. began studying under Plato at the age of 17 and remained at his school for 20 years, in the later years as a teacher (Cliffs Notes, Author). He also had the appointment to tutor the 13 year old son of Philip of Macedonia, Alexander, who later became known as Alexander the Great. During the period of Alexander's conquests, Aristotle began his own school in Athens and it is during this time that he most of his "important writing and teaching" (Cliff Notes, Author). philosophy, politics but also touched on issues on morality and ethics. The compilation of his lectures and writings in the compilation Nicomachean Ethics give extensive thought to the reasons and motivations for our behavior. Aristotle believed that "Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good" (Nicomachean Ethics Book I.1) and that the ultimate good is to achieve happiness. Happiness is sought for the sake of being happy whereas other goals such as being healthy, or rich is sought out in order to be happy. So it seems that the different activities in which we engage in life are all a small part or subset of the big goal to be happy. Friendship is one aspect of the subset. Aristotle says it "is a virtue or implies virtue, and is besides most necessary with a view to living." (Nicomachean Ethics Book VIII.1.) In the scenario at the beginning, Lori has become friends with the people with whom she works, a necessary occurrence that enables her to enjoy the time spent at the company. Developing the friendships contributes to her happiness. Aristotle puts friendship into three categories: perfect friendship or that which is based on being good, useful friendship and pleasant friendship. Lori liking Mary for the sake of Mary (and vice versa) is an example of genuine friendship. (Book VIII.3) Since the relationship is based on desiring purely what is good for the other, this type of friendship is long lasting as "goodness is an enduring thing" (Book VIII.3). However, Aristotle believes that this type of friendship does not occur frequently as not only are 'good' people a rarity, but it also takes time to cultivate. Not e that perfect relationships can also be pleasant and/or useful; however, pleasant or useful friendships are not perfect and therefore, not lasting. These relationships are considered to be mutually beneficial, or what Aristotle calls equal. Lori's new friendship with Rosie is a useful friendship in that there is a benefit for her. Lori learns faster from Rosie and increases her value at the office and Rosie is able to decrease her workload to a manageable quantity -- mutually useful. If Rosie did not have a huge workload, the Last Name 3 contribution to the friendship could be a combination of utility and pleasantness or in other words, Rosie is useful to Lori and finds